Sunday, November 23, 2008

James' Year 7 Camp, Basketball and Christmas Party

James with his mate Matthew on the boat to Rottnest

Shane and James went away on Monday to Rottnest for James' Year 7 camp. They had a fantastic time together and with James' friends from school. James had a gopher while he was at Rottnest which made it easier for him to get around. They stayed at Kingston Barracks in the self contained units. Shane looked after 7 boys and had a lot of fun with the rats in the roof. The boys got back on Friday and were very glad to be able to sleep in their own beds.

On Saturday 15 November we were lucky enough to get family tickets to see the Wildcats play, (Thanks Cheryl). James and the boys had a great time cheering the players on and watching all the hype of the game. It was a very exciting game with the Wildcats winning.

On Sunday James, Liam and myself went to the Camp Quality, Canteen, Starlight Foundation and Ronald McDonald House Combined Christmas pary. What a blast, there were a lot of people there and heaps of kids. They all had a great time, doing lots of fun things. Liam had a ball running around playing on all the different activities. Of course the jolly big man came and gave all the kids wonderful presents. Liam was very happy with his present.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Busy Couple of Weeks

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been quite busy. Brent had a Radio Rally club event at Cannington Greyhounds over Friday night and Saturday. As Shane and Liam have tee ball on Saturday morning I got to be the Pit Crew. Lots of fun was had by Brent and I. Shane came at lunch time to take over. James, Liam and I then went to the movies to see Wall.E, (Thanks Red Kite!). We had a great time. When we finished I had a text message from the boys saying that the car had broken down. I believe it was all Shane's fault (lol) and it wouldn't have happened if I was still there (yeh right, it probably would have been worse!).

Brent's Car

Last weekend my brother Chris came over in his wonderful car and took James for a spin. He has been promising to do this ever since he got the car. James was very excited and enjoyed it a lot. Thanks Uncle Chris!

James also got a special package in the mail from Aunty Deb and Uncle Andrew, all the way from Canada. Thanks guys! I will let the photos do the talking.

Chris and Alana's Engagement

We had a lovely time at my brother Chris' engagement. Only James and myself went but as you can see from the photos James had a great time with the chocolate fountain.