Thursday, November 13, 2008

Busy Couple of Weeks

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been quite busy. Brent had a Radio Rally club event at Cannington Greyhounds over Friday night and Saturday. As Shane and Liam have tee ball on Saturday morning I got to be the Pit Crew. Lots of fun was had by Brent and I. Shane came at lunch time to take over. James, Liam and I then went to the movies to see Wall.E, (Thanks Red Kite!). We had a great time. When we finished I had a text message from the boys saying that the car had broken down. I believe it was all Shane's fault (lol) and it wouldn't have happened if I was still there (yeh right, it probably would have been worse!).

Brent's Car

Last weekend my brother Chris came over in his wonderful car and took James for a spin. He has been promising to do this ever since he got the car. James was very excited and enjoyed it a lot. Thanks Uncle Chris!

James also got a special package in the mail from Aunty Deb and Uncle Andrew, all the way from Canada. Thanks guys! I will let the photos do the talking.

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