Sunday, December 28, 2008

Our Christmas Day 2008

Well what a fantastic day. Liam woke not too early at 5:50am, had a quick look under the tree then came into bed with Shane and me and had a cuddle before we got James and Brent up to unwrap presents. Brent and Liam played santa all day passing out presents to everyone. They started with their own presents and made piles of presents for everyone in the family. They all seem to have sooo much, I think Santa spoilt them all! They had a wonderful time unwrapping and looking at the wonderful things they got. Lots of photos and video later, we sat down to a lovely breakfast. We then had a play of Guitar Hero World Tour, lots of drumming, guitar playing and singing was had by all. Lots of Fun! We then all got dressed and went over to my parents house to have Christmas lunch, yummy. We had Phil, Jason, Matthew and Phil's girlfriend Liz and Liz's parents, Heidi and Peter. Chris and Alana also came, so it made all the family together. It was the best part of the day. We had a wonderful lunch, lots of laughs and plenty of love for all. We came home for a nanna nap and then Sharon and Stu, Carlan and Reagan came over for leftover tea. Sharon bought most of it from her brunch. It was a lovely relaxing night. I think the kids have all recovered from the day. They all had a great time and received lots of lovely presents. It is amazing how quickly the day goes by, before you know it we will be looking at Christmas Eve 2009. Lets hope next year is better and brings us all a Miracle for 2009.

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