Friday, February 13, 2009

Now Resting Peacefully James - 18 April 1996 to 10 Feb 2009

This is one of the hardest things I will ever have to do.

Our beautiful boy James Christopher, peacefully passed away on Tuesday morning at 12:35am.

It was very beautiful and peacefull and truly a blessing to have witnessed. On Monday night I was unable to sleep (nothing new here). James was resting well and sleeping. He had had an awake and alert day on Monday with times when he was gesturing to us different signals with his right hand. James' breathing was quite rattly and noisey. The Silver Chain nurse came out in the morning and set James up for the next 24 hours with his medication. By the late afternoon his chest and breathing was rather bad so I call Silver Chain and they came out again and gave James a new pump and more medication to help with his breathing. This then settled him down extremely well and he sleep until he passed away.

We as a family have been truely blessed by having James as ours. We feel extremely privleged to have been chosen by James to be his parents. He has taught us many things in life. How to be humble, create laughter, enjoy ourselves, ensure others are ok and many many more. Everyday he brought us wonderful blessings and joy. We will never forget you James, thank you for being with us for as long as you could. We just wish it could have been longer.
We would like to thank everyone that has helped our family on this rocky journey over the last 2 years and 3 weeks. We thank you for sticking by us and ensuring that we travelled well fed and supported us emotionally. We know that we could not have gotten this far without wonderful friends and family.
Thank you to the wonderful staff at PMH, you have truely been amazing and very helpful with advise, support and encouragement. Your jobs are most definately hard to do and you do them everyday with a smile and joy in your hearts, Thank you.

To the beautiful families that we have met from this horrible disease. We hope that your journey is safe and we will have you always in our hearts and minds. Travel safe and never give up hope.
Once again, thank you to everyone for being there for our family.
Please keep in touch.
Don't leave us now.

May our Beautiful Angel James
guide us and support us
Bringing us together as one.

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